PMQ: Questions Around Local Lockdowns

The PMQ began with Starmer drawing the Commons’ attention to the 16 million people still under local restrictions. He asked the Prime Minister what his strategy was “for bringing these cases out of restrictions, so [people] can see their family again?”

Johnson stated that a combination of strong local and national action was being taken to quell the second wave of the virus. The answer was not enough for the Opposition leader who then moved to ask about  “widespread confusion about the local rules” and how that may be stalling any improvement on the UK’s battle with COVID-19. In support of this claim, Starmer quoted a Conservative council leader in Bolton who had communicated that his constituents were unsure of what the rules were and hence were struggling to tackle the virus. Johnson moved to deny that people were confused, rather claiming they were aware of why local lockdowns were being reintroduced. 

Finally, Starmer questioned Johnson’s plan, or lack thereof,  for economic support especially in places that are still in lockdown. The Labour leader drew attention to the Northeast of England. Newcastle’s council leader had communicated with Starmer that nearly 10,000 hospitality jobs were at risk if the government did not introduce a more robust economic support framework. The Prime Minister did not clearly answer this question. 

The PMQ then moved into questions from MPs from around the nation.


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