PMQ: A British Attempt at Track And Trace?

The PMQ this week centered on the easing of lockdown restrictions and the efficacy of the UK’s track and trace system.

Leader of the Opposition, Keir Starmer, began by asking the Prime Minister what he planned to do about the minimal reach of the current track and trace system. In reference to data presented in a June 23rd press conference given by Johnson himself, Starmer remarked that of the 33,000 people estimated to have COVID-19, only ⅓ were being reached. He questioned how the government was set to respond to this issue. 

The PM did not offer a response to Starmer’s question, rather addressing the success of those already in the track and trace system. Furthermore, as seen week after week, Johnson pivoted away from the questions posed by Starmer, instead drawing attention to what he sees as Starmer’s inconsistent and inconsiderate response to the NHS and government’s handling of the crisis. As also seen week after week, Starmer called out the Prime Minister’s inability to handle challenge and tendency to proclaim premature victory amidst this pandemic – what he would call a fatal flaw of Johnson’s leadership. 

The PMQ then moved into questions from Ian Blackford, the Leader of the SNP in the House of Commons, and other MPs from around the nation.


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