PMQ: COVID-19 Recovery Plan and Council Tax Rates Increase

The United Kingdom Parliament met together for the weekly Prime Minister’s Questions Time. Labor Party and Opposition Leader Keir Starmer asked multiple questions to Prime Minister and Conservative Party Leader Boris Johnson regarding threats to the COVID-19 recovery plan and increasing tax rates.

Starmer opened up by praising Johnson’s recovery plan. However, he said that there have been misinformation regarding COVID-19. People are saying that the data is manipulative, and the map to recovery is based on poor assumptions.

He asked Johnson if he agreed that these comments are irresponsible.

Although Johnson is glad to hear that Starmer supports the recovery roadmap, he made clear that all the data for COVID-19 is available to the House.

Starmer accused Johnson of dodging his question. This is because all the irresponsible comments have been made from his own MPs. He suggested that Johnson should speak to them about it.

Starmer brought up another threat to the roadmap to recovery.

“Around 3 and 10 people who should be self-isolating aren’t doing so.” He said that this would lead to major gaps in defense.

He told Johnson to send out 500 pounds for families who are self-isolating.

Johnson said that people who are already self-isolating have received 500 pounds payment. Furthermore, the roadmap will offer payments to parents and guardians who are off work. This will be given as long as they fit certain criteria.

Starmer repeated that fact that 3 out of 10 people are failing to self-isolate. The reason behind this is that people are scared to get the COVID-19 test because they cannot afford to self-isolate.

“Unmet financial need was why some lower income areas are seeing stubbornly high infection rates,” he said.

Johnson responded by saying that there is a 280 billion pound package support. This will target the poorest people in the country.

They transitioned to tax rates. Starmer said that councils across the country are forced to raise taxes because they are underfunded. The Council of Hillingdon, Johnson’s own constituency, is increasing tax rates by 4.8%.

Johnson said that it is the Conservative councils that give out the lowest tax rates.

“The top ten highest council taxing councils in this country are run by the Labor Party,” he said.

He said that the current mayor of London is from the Labor Party. He plans on increasing London’s tax rates up by 10%. The previous mayor, a Conservative, cut council tax by 20%.

Starmer said that 15 billion pounds have been taken out of the councils. The government has been weakening the country for the past decade.

This is why the UK has the highest death toll in Europe, worst economic recession, and why UK families are seeing a rise in taxes.

He hopes that next week’s budget can give hope for families across Europe, and improve the UK’s economy.

Johnson said that if Starmer were to take charge of the vaccination program, the rollouts would have been impossible.

“He vacillates, Mr. Speaker, we vaccinate.”

Other Members of Parliament asked question to Johnson during the remainder of the PMQs.


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