PMQ: Downing Street Renovations Scandal

The United Kingdom Parliament met together for the weekly Prime Minister’s Questions Time. Labor Party and Opposition Leader Sir Keir Starmer asked multiple questions to Prime Minister and Conservative Party Leader Boris Johnson about redecoration of Downing Street Flat.

Starmer started by accusing Johnson of saying that multiple sources said that he would rather see bodies piled high than another lockdown.

Johnson responded by saying that he did not say that. He said that if Starmer was truly a lawyer, then he should say who these sources were. He went on to say that making the decision to lockdown the borders was a very tough decision, but one that had to be done.

“We find ourselves rolling out our vaccine where we’ve done 50% of population—25% of the adult population have now had two doses,” he said.

Starmer then transitioned to what the remainder of the PMQs were about: the renovation costs of Johnson’s Downing Flat. He asked Johnson who initially paid for the redecoration.

Johnson said that he paid for the costs personally. He also went onto criticize the Labor Party and how they handled housing in the United Kingdom.

“On average, Labor Councils charge you 93 pounds more in Band D than Conservative Councils,” he said.

Starmer criticized Johnson’s response by saying that he should have just said ‘no comment.’ He switched the question around and gave him a multiple choice question on what the initial invoice was for the renovations.

“Either the taxpayer paid the initial invoice, or it was the Conservative Party, or it was a private donor, or it was the Prime Minister” he said.

Johnson did admit that the Electoral Commission was investigating it, but he said that he had followed the code of conduct. He also believed that it is very bizarre that Starmer was focusing on this issue, and not talking about things like the vaccine rollout, reduction in crime, economic recovery, or other areas within the United Kingdom.

He also believed that the Labor Party is hypocritical, as they have spent 500,000 of tax payer money on the Downing Street Flat.

Starmer again said that Johnson had failed to answer the question. He must answer it because the public constantly screams at their TV’s for him to answer it.

He went on to say the Prime Minister was required to declare any benefits he had received within 28 days. Furthermore, donations must be declared, especially donations of over 500,000 pounds of a political party.

“Don’t the British people deserve a Prime Minister they can trust, and a government that isn’t mired in sleaze, cronyism, and scandal?” he said.


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