PMQ: Rape Cases in the Criminal Justice System

The United Kingdom Parliament met together for the weekly Prime Minister’s Questions Time. Labor Party and Opposition Leader Sir Keir Starmer asked six questions to Prime Minister and Conservative Party Leader Boris Johnson on rape cases in the criminal justice system.

Starmer opens up by asking Johnson why the number of rape convictions are so low. 

Johnson admits that they are typically very low, but he is putting together an end-to-end rape review. This will also include investing into criminal prosecution services, as well as helping rape victims and survivors tread through the system.

Starmer responded by saying that the figures are incredibly appalling, as rape convictions have been going down since 2016. He made clear that it had nothing to do with COVID-19, so he asked Johnson again why rape convictions had been plummeting. 

Johnson admitted one of the most difficult issues is gathering evidence regarding rape. Furthermore, most cases go to police for prosecution, but they are typically not fit to go to trial. 

This issue is exactly why he is making an ‘end-to-end’ rape review. He also criticized Starmer for not backing up the bill a few months ago that would put harsher sentences on rape.

Starmer made clear that he voted against it because it protected statues more than women. As well, he also wanted to bring up concerning statistics regarding rape convictions.

“98.4% of reported rapes do not end up in a charge,” he said. He proceeded to say that there was no provision in Johnson’s bill to address that problem.

However, Johnson said that the answer could be found in Section 106 to 107 in the bill. Johnson made clear that he will not tolerate sexual crimes. Furthermore, he is investing resources to ensure that rape victims can have people that they can confide in as they go through the system. He also brought up the record number of police officers.

“I’m proud to say that 40% of our new recruits are female,” he said. He believes that the increase of female officers will be a great consolation for rape victims. 

However, Starmer found the answer appalling, and again said that nothing in his bill will help that 98.4%. He said that in government reports, officials are saying that the government had failed rape victims. However, even when rape cases are accepted into court, it can take years for it to process. He made clear that this does not help as there had been cuts to the criminal justice system.

Although, Johnson had apologized for what the rape victims had gone through, he said that his government is fixing the system. Furthermore, as the former mayor of London, he had also fought for tougher sentences against rapists. 

Other members of Parliament asked question during the remainder of the PMQs.


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