Profile: Boss Babe

Like most people, you’ve probably sat down one day and thought to yourself, “what would it be like to be my own boss?” It is not a secret when I say that having to work for somebody else is not necessarily something we all enjoy. If we are true to ourselves, just the thought of working for other individuals and seeing their business grow before your own eyes is pretty discouraging. After all, being independent and earning things on your own is much more rewarding, not to mention you play by your own rules when you are your own boss.

This is precisely what Alex Wolf, the creator of Boss Babe, thought of when she sat down one day and decided that she wants to take life into her own hands. No longer did she want to play by the rules of society, instead, she wanted to create her own rule book to which she could create, edit, and erase the pages at her own will.

Boss Babe is the embodiment of everything that Alex Wolf firmly believes in, believing that everyone should be able to redefine their own life path rather than just taking the easy road to seemingly nowhere. Perhaps growing up in Brooklyn, New York with a dad who was heavily into technology helped implant this go-getter attitude in Alex when she was learning just what it was like to be a young girl.

Amassing over 14,000 followers on Twitter, Boss Babe has worked diligently in the last two years to provide quality services to its customers. Just what services does Boss Babe provide to the public? Well, if you subscribe to the monthly membership that they currently offer, you will get exclusive access to a wide range of business materials and advice that comes directly from business experts who have been in the field for many years. With these materials, Boss Babe aims to help you, the customer, grow your own business and become independent.

Boss Babe lists on their website that Boss Babe Academy is only $9.99/month, which when you think in retrospect, isn’t that much money for what could be seen as a bargain. They even go as so far as to claim that the information they provide their customers is worth anywhere for $100 to $1000 a month. Without actually looking at the products and resources themselves, it is hard to ascertain whether or not this claim is true, but to make such a grandiose claim with your reputation on the line must account for something.

Mostly dealing with millennials, specifically millennial women, Boss Babe’s goal is to help catapult women’s trajectories and to teach them the same lessons that Alex Wolf grasped on to as she was growing up. That is to say, their products aren’t necessarily limited to young millennial women. Who says that an elderly lady or even a guy could learn a thing or two from subscribing to Boss Babe? After all, when you are recognized by Forbes and the Huffington Post you must be doing something right.

At the end of the day, the entrepreneurship and success of Alex Wolf portray a very strong message, a message that society is moving the right direction in terms of what people of color are capable of and what they are accomplishing in society. Just not long ago it was inconceivable to think, perhaps just 40 years or so, that there would be so many people of color opening and maintaining their own businesses like they are today. Even more promising, people like Alex Wolf are taking their unique experiences growing up as a person of color in American society and using it to help other people who have traditionally been misrepresented in society.


Profile: Confluent


Entrepreneurship is falling in America but maybe it isn't so bad