Liberty Expose: How The Left Controls Language And Words
Javier Zayas Photography
It seems that every couple years, the entirety of the English language is adjusted to fit whatever is deemed politically correct for the time. The left has been in control of many of the major institutions. One of the greatest powers that it allows the left to have is to control what and how language is expressed. This is primarily done in two ways: changing the definition of words and silencing people whose speech they disagree with.
One of the clearest examples of the left-redefining terms that existed for centuries would be a person's gender or gender expression. Only in the past decade has a vast portion of the American population believed that gender remains on a spectrum. No longer is this discussion rooted in biology but instead in the whims and feelings of any person at any time. The simple definition of a man or woman negates its ability to be fluent at all. Therefore, it must be changed. This is expressed in the Cambridge dictionary's relatively new definition of gender as:
"a group of people in a society who share particular qualities or ways of behaving that society associates with being male, female, or another identity.”
By this definition, the ideas of male and female are all constructs that can change or be altered by whatever people say they would. Everyone in the institute knows what a man and a woman are.
The left has been using words to invoke very particular emotions. An example of redefining basic terms would be that of an assault weapon. Originally, the term assault weapons referred to small military arms that had the capability of automatic fire. However, none of the guns used to commit shootings are categorized as assault weapons. The vast majority of the time, these are semi-automatic weapons that do not fit the legal definition. In March of 2018, Merriam-Webster’s dictionary changed its definition of “assault rifle” to include a:
“rifle that resembles a military assault rifle but is designed to allow only semi-automatic fire.”
There are over 70 million semi-automatic firearms in the United States. By changing the definition, the left has been able to include all firearms used in any gun violence to be associated with the new umbrella term assault weapon.
Gay marriage is another issue that has led to a redefining of the term. Originally, it was evident to help facilitate children and a family. Once marriage became a show of love between two people, the argument for heterosexual marriage fell through.
The left was also in control of every major social media company, allowing them to regulate and restrict access to the digital public square. Up until the acquisition of X (formally known as Twitter) by Elon Musk, each of the major social media companies would restrict conservatives by banning how they defined the world. While social media companies are not required to allow speech of any kind, part of the uproar of Elon Musk buying Twitter was the loss of any extremely populated platform that would provide an alternative to the clear double standards between political ideologies.
Having the ability to cancel someone is another power wielded by the left, which is the attempt to control the language and redefine the dialogue. This method is not used solely to silence conservatives. Even individuals on the left are subjected to this ridicule when walking in lockstep with the party’s terms. JK Rowling, that famine author, has gone through multiple phases of attempted cancellation due to her ideas on transgender identity. Joe Rogan was similarly receiving massive media attention for interviews he would hold with doctors regarding COVID-19 speculation. Both of these individuals would not consider themselves to be conservative; however, because they discern from traditional talking points, whatever power will be wilder against them.
When college campuses were implementing free speech zones, that was a major attack on the First Amendment in an attempt to remove what they would find unacceptable speech. Free speech zones have become less common in public universities today, but they still remain to some degree. If you’ve ever come across a free-speech zone note, it is in violation of the First Amendment and can subject you in school to extreme penalties.
In any attempt at an effective debate or discussion, one of the most important tactics is to have an agreed-upon definition of whatever you are arguing about. That way, the fundamental principles being discussed are agreed upon by all parties, and one is not misconstrued by the other.
Language has always been wielded as a political weapon, and whoever has the ability to control what is said will control the debate. A part of the problem Republicans are having is that they have to constantly defend themselves from attack and ridicule. Having to be defensive all of the time means that you spend very little of it promoting your ideas to help the nation and having to deal with the lambing that your opposition paints on you.
There are examples associated with every issue, policy, or political group that can be thought of. No matter what it may be, the left has attempted it. Today, words are spoken without reason. They can be deemed hateful, insensitive, or even violent. By controlling someone's speech, you are affecting their ability for rational thought and to think differently than others.
The left and right are often speaking different languages to each other. The premises of one or not are the same for the other. The left, with their institutional power, have controlled the definition of words and the availability of speech, which has allowed them to defend every issue on their terms. Republicans cannot play these games. It is mandatory that we reaffirm the proper definitions of words and not allow the left to steal them for themselves.