Middle Ground: Who is Censored More? Liberals vs Conservatives

A group of six people on the conservative and liberal spectrum speak about social media censorship. The group discuss the first topic about whether the right is more censored than the left.

Michael, a conservative, spoke about the recent censorship of Parlor and Trump. He mentioned how Parlor had been removed from the App Store.

“Trump got kicked off Twitter. I mean, he’s the leader of the free world,” he said.

Leah, a liberal, said that the conservative party is meant to the party of law and order. This is something that Trump often stood behind.

She mentioned how there are consequences to action. She also thinks more people should look more at the terms and conditions.

“Maybe more people could read the terms and conditions and find a platform that they feel more comfortable with,” she said.

The group then discussed about whether tech companies should be allowed to ban whoever they want.

Bennet, a liberal, spoke about the importance of a free market response. He spoke about how consumers need to have freedom to choose between social media platforms.

“You have to have a function free market where people can go somewhere else,” he said.

Jerome, a conservative, spoke about how people get their news from social media. He said this is problematic because algorithms do not “incentive nuance.”

“What trends is what is getting clicks and lot of time that’s controversy,” he said.

He said politicians and protestors who incite violence are treated differently. The issue is that social media is unfairly applying terms and conditions.

The group then transitioned to talk about whether spreading lies should be protected as free speech.

Joseph, a conservative, said that people’s truth, perspectives, and opinions need to be protected.

“You have the right to say your truth,” he said.

When Trump said that the election was rigged, that was his truth. Although a lot of people said that it was a lie, he still has the right to say it.

Lawrence, a liberal, brought up about the danger of allowing lies to be spread. Through lies, 500,000 people died from COVID-19.

“If we protect lies in the realm of free speech, they have real life, real time consequences,” he said.


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