PMQ: Humanitarian Relief in Yemen

The United Kingdom Parliament met together for the weekly Prime Minister’s Questions Time. Labor Party and Opposition Leader Sir Keir Starmer asked multiple questions to Prime Minister and Conservative Party Leader Boris Johnson regarding the Yemen crisis.

As the Biden administration halted the arms sales in Yemen, Starmer pointed out that Johnson has failed to follow in their footsteps.

“We’ve sold 1.4 billion pounds of arms to Saudi Arabia in the last – in three months last year,” he said. Some of these have included bombs and missiles that Saudi Arabia used in Yemen.

Johnson made clear that the UK supports the Yemen government. They have provided 1 billion pounds in aid for the humanitarian effort.

Starmer responded by saying that the UK government has halved spending in Yemen. This is during a time where the Yemen people are experiencing the worst famine in decades that the world has seen.

Although Johnson admits that they did temporarily suspend spending, they have allocated 214 million pounds towards Yemen. This is something that has not been seen before in any other country.

“When it comes to our duty to the people of Yemen, we continue to step up to the plate.”

Starmer said that Johnson’s own MPs have condemned the action of halving financially support.

“Cutting support to starving children is not what global Britain should be about,” a quote that Starmer cited from a conservative MP.

He argued that the UK must be a force for good, but is failing to lead the world. If Johnson wishes to cut funding, then the House should vote on it.

“But just as the US is stepping up, the UK is stepping back,” Starmer said.

Johnson reminded Starmer that the UK spends more than any other country in the world in Yemen support.

“Given the difficulties that this country faces, Mr. Speaker, I think that the people of this country will think that we’ve got our priorities right,” he said.

Other Members of Parliament asked questions to Johnson during the remainder of the PMQs.


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